Jodhpur: Bollywood's biggest superstar Salman Khan, who was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison on Thursday in a blackbuck poaching case dating back to 1998, will not receive any VVIP treatment in the Jodhpur Jail, DIG, prisons, Vikram Singh said. "Salman has been given number 106 & is lodged in Ward number 2. He was made to undergo medical test & has no medical issues. He hasn't made any demands. We'll give him jail uniform on Friday morning. Multiple-layer security has been put up for his ward," Singh said. Jodhpur jail officials said Salman had not eaten anything post the verdict and even refused to have tea. He was given a cauliflower and potato vegetable dish, chane ki daal and a chappati, which he did not eat. They added that Salman would sleep on the floor on Thursday night. They added that his BP had shot up after the verdict but it soon returned to normal. Salman Khan's lawyer Anand Desai said tha...