A young man was found charred to death at a park in the D block Mahakaleshwar Park of Govind Nagar police station area. As per reports, the body was first killed then burnt with the help of petrol. As people went on for a morning walk on Wednesday the 31st, they saw the smoke in a corner of a park. As they went nearer they saw the corpse, as people usually do, they gathered around and called the police. Forensic team also reached on the spot and started the investigation. The body has now been sent for post-mortem. People were shocked to see the scene and even though they ignored the smoke at first thinking it's just leaves, because the body was strategically covered up with dry leaves. As per a witness of the crime scene, Uma Shankar Tiwari, "The body was completely burnt and all the clothes were burnt, there was clearly a murder that took place". from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-man-murdered-in-up-5802735-PHO.html?re...