
Showing posts from January, 2018

यहां छात्राओं को पढ़ने के लिए कॉलेज देता है लोन

जमशेदपुर वीमेंस कॉलेज की सराहनीय पहल, कॉलेज की प्राध्यापिकाएं जमा कराती हैं वेतन का एक अंश from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

‘U.S. tax cuts forcing others to respond’

Concerned that the lower U.S. tax rate may lead to a slowdown in investment into India: USISPF’s Mukesh Aghi. from The Hindu - Economy

सीबीआइ के हत्थे चढ़ा तस्करों से घूस लेने वाला बीएसएफ कमांडेंट

गिरफ्तारी भ्रष्टाचार के मामले के तहत की गई है। मैथ्यू पर तस्करों से रिश्वत लेने का आरोप है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने शिक्षामित्रों की पुनर्विचार याचिका खारिज की

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने शिक्षा मित्रों का सहायक शिक्षक के तौर पर समायोजन खारिज करने के अपने आदेश पर पुनर्विचार करने से इन्कार कर दिया और एक बार फिर अपने गत 25 जुलाई के आदेश पर मुहर लगा दी है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

'पद्मावत' को लेकर जारी है जाने-माने लोगों की स्वरा भास्कर से भिड़ंत

स्वरा भास्कर ने संजय लीला भंसाली के नाम पर एक खुला खत लिखकर उन्हें इसके लिए खरी खोटी सुनाई कि उन्होंने फिल्म में सती प्रथा का महिमामंडित किया है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने आम्रपाली से 7 दिन में मांगा जवाब, देरी से फ्लैट देने का मामला

कोर्ट ने ये निर्देश तब दिये जब आम्रपाली की ओर से पेश वरिष्ठ वकील ने कहा कि गलैक्सी डेवलेपर्स समयबद्ध तरीके से अधूरे फ्लैटों का निर्माण पूरा करने के लिए तैयार है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

मेडिकल प्रवेश मामला: जस्टिस एसएन शुक्ला की उल्टी गिनती शुरू

मेडिकल कालेज के इस मामले के तार उड़ीसा हाईकोर्ट के सेवानिवृत न्यायाधीश आइएम कुदूसी के केस से भी जुड़ते हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

मणिपुर फर्जी मुठभेड़ मामले में 30 और FIR, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दिए थे आदेश

मणिपुर में कथित फर्जी मुठभेड़ मामले में सीबीआई ने 30 नई एफआईआर दर्ज की हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

पाकिस्तान की बढ़ी मुश्किलें, झेलनी पड़ी कूटनीतिक शर्मिदगी

पाकिस्तान को उस समय कूटनीतिक शर्मिदगी का सामना पड़ा जब अब्दुल घनी ने शाहिद अब्बासी से फोन पर बातचीत करने से इनकार कर दिया। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

एनजीटी में सिंगल बेंच नहीं कर सकती सुनवाई: सुप्रीम कोर्ट

अटार्नी जनरल केके वेणुगोपाल को बेंच ने आदेश दिया कि वह एनजीटी प्रमुख को सलाह दें कि सिंगल बेंच का गठन किसी सूरत में न किया जाए। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

A Muslim Nation Of Asia Forcibly Shaved Heads Of Transgender Women To Make Them Look And Act Like ‘Real Men’

Indonesian police became the centre of criticism for human rights groups and LGBT groups across the globe when they conducted raids to detain transgender women and treat them cruelly. They cutthe hair of the detained and declared that they were coaching and counseling them to behave like “real men”. The police in Aceh raided several beauty salons over the weekend and detained the transgender women working there. Aceh province in Indonesia is the only one that follows strict Islamic laws. This operation was named “Operation Anti Moral Illness”. from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-lgbt-rights-5803028-PHO.html?ref=rss

Woman Gave Birth While Being Made To Walk In excruciating Pain; Her Baby Died On The Floor

In Bhopal, yet another woman had to face the horrors of unequipped hospital facilities when she lost her newborn baby. The young woman of 22 came to the hospital in an ambulance. However, when she reached the the hospital, there was no one to attend to her and take her to the delivery room. No nurse or midwife appeared to help her and guide her. Finally after a lot of calls, a midwife came and told her to walk to the delivery room. In extreme pain, the woman told her that she could not, but the midwife insisted as there was no stretcher available.  from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-childbirth-during-walking-5803025-PHO.html?ref=rss

PM मोदी ने किया 'खेलो इंडिया' स्कूल खेल उत्‍सव का उद्धाटन

खेलों में व्यापक प्रतिभागिता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए बुधवार को पीएम मोदी ने खेलो इंडिया स्कूल गेम्स की शुरुआत की। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

आतंकवाद रोधी अभियानों से निपटने के लिए NSG कमांडो करेंगे योग

नेशनल सिक्योरिटी गार्ड के ब्लैक कमांडो को अब खास किस्म का प्रशिक्षण दिया जाएगा। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने पूछा, अगस्ता हेलीकॉप्टर सौदे में मुख्यमंत्री के बेटे की रुचि क्यों थी?

भारत ने भारतीय वायुसेना को 12 एडब्ल्यू-101 वीवीआईपी हेलिकॉप्टर आपूर्ति करने के लिए फिनमेकेनिका की ब्रिटिश सहायक कंपनी अगस्ता वेस्टलैंड के साथ जनवरी 2014 में अनुंबध खत्म कर दिया। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

खुद देखेंगे पीएम मोदी चार साल में कहां पहुंचा बनारस

बनारस में राष्ट्रीय स्तर का किसान सम्मेलन आयोजित किया जा रहा है। माना जा रहा है कि प्रधानमंत्री मोदी इस मेले में हिस्सा लेकर वहां के किसानों से रूबरू होंगे। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

5 Stunning and Pocket friendly Rooftop Restaurants in Delhi

Here are 5 cheap rooftop restaurants to enjoy the uninterrupted view of the ever-so dazzling Delhi in all its glory and having the best meal experience. from NDTV Food - Latest

All You Need To Know About The Hottest Soup-Only Diet!

As people realize that juicing fruits and vegetables can derive them of fiber and essential nutrients in fresh produce, the popularity of the juice diet might be somewhat waning. But another diet... from NDTV Food - Latest

Butter Coffee: People Swear By This Bizarre Recipe For Weight Loss!

Butter in coffee? No, thank you! But what if it might actually help you lose weight? Coffee puritans will still probably recoil from the bizarre combination, but people wanting to try new ways of... from NDTV Food - Latest

Young Woman Drugged And Forced To Marry An Old Man Because Her Parents Refused To Give Her A Choice

A case has been registered for forced marriage in a hotel in Khairuvala village in Rajasthan. After the forced marriage, the young woman was kept in a house hostage from. She manage to escape the room and came onto the street shouted for help. She then tried to get into other houses for refuge. Soon, a crowd gathered seeing the ruckus. Just then, a few people came and tried to pull on a motorcycle but she rolled on the floor and started shouting for help.     from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-woman-forced-to-marry-5802983-PHO.html?ref=rss

बीएसएफ और आइटीबीपी के बंकरों के लिए 370 करोड़ रुपए मंजूर

पाकिस्तान और चीन से लगी सीमाओं पर सैन्य बलों के आधारभूत ढांचे के लिए कुल 369.84 करोड़ रुपए मंजूर किए हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

The Hindu’s Budget Coverage

The Union Budget tells you where the country is heading. We tell you where you should. Log on to The Hindu’s Budget Coverage to get a clear understanding of the budget.... from The Hindu - Economy

Don't Throw Them Just Yet! 7 Ingenious Ways To Use Banana Peels

Banana peels can be used in more ways than one. If you haven't known its many uses, it is time you know what's in store. from NDTV Food - Latest

Daring Robbery Inside ATM In Indore; He Held The Child On Gunpoint And Threatened Father For Money

A video has gone viral recently, in which you can see a thief very easily conning a father by keeping his child on gunpoint. At an ATM on Kesar Bagh Road a masked robber managed to get money out of a man who had gone to use the ATM with his family. The thief kept his 2 year old daughter on gunpoint.   After taking the money, the scoundrel escaped and the whole incident was caught on the CCTV camera.      from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-VART-atm-thief-5802961-PHO.html?ref=rss

DSP Shot Himself During Protests At Punjab University; Died Instantly And Also Unintentionally Killed A Constable Near Him

The death toll in the protests that are going on in PU is now 2. 2 days ago, DSP Baljinder Singh shot himself in the head and died on spot during the protests. The same bullet that killed the DSP also grievously injured a constable named Lal Singh standing next to him. Constable Singh succumbed to his injuries today.   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-punjab-university-5802950-PHO.html?ref=rss

Young Woman’s Face Smashed With Bottle After She Pushed A Man For Touching Her Inappropriately; Her Pictures Are Truly Disturbing

A young woman was left bloodied and bruised after refusing the advances of a man in a nightclub. The 19-year-old’s shocking pictures have left the social media outraged.   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-woman-nightclub-bottle-5802938-PHO.html?ref=rss

'Incredible' Banana With Edible Peel Now Available In Japan

Bananas are a powerhouse of many essential vitamins and minerals and often act as instant energy boosters. They are an excellent source of vitamins like B6 and B12 which can prove to be quite... from NDTV Food - Latest

Benefits Of Cold Milk: Curing Acidity To Toning Skin And More!

While hot milk makes for a healthy drink, cold milk is equally good for health and beauty. If you haven't known already, here are some amazing benefits a glass of cold milk has to offer. from NDTV Food - Latest

Woman Tried To Bring A Peacock On A Flight As Her ‘Emotional Support’; Pictures Of Her Bizarre Demand Are Now Viral

In a bizarre episode, staff at the airport had to deny entry to a peacock. The report of the incident viral once a passenger waiting for the flight put it up on a travel blog. As reported by DailyMail, the incident took place in the Newark airport in New Jersey, in US. A prominent prominent photographer and artist Ventiko tried to board on a plane to Los Angeles with her peacock Dexter. She said that Dexter was her comfort animal and offered to pay for an extra seat for the bird. She insisted on the peacock being allowed on the plane for 6 hours! from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-peacock-in-airport-5802872-PHO.html?ref=rss

दूसरी शादी कर निकाह हलाला का बनाया दबाव, महिला ने बांबे HC में दायर की याचिका

पीड़िता के पति ने दूसरी शादी कर ली और अब वह उसे शरीयत के तहत निकाह हलाला करने का दबाव डाल रहा है ताकि उसे किसी तरह का मासिक रखरखाव ना देना पड़े। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

सावधान..सही समय से नींद नहीं ली तो हो सकती है ये भयानक बीमारी

नए अध्ययन का दावा है कि यह गड़बड़ी भूलने की बीमारी अल्माइमर का प्रारंभिक संकेत हो सकता है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

मुंबई के स्लम में रहने वाला ये परिवार अपने घर पर पर्यटकों को देता है ये सुविधाएं

रवि टोनिया सांसी ने अपने 16 सदस्यों के परिवार के साथ में 12/6 फीट के अपने छोटे घर में पर्यटकों को ठहरने की व्यवस्था की है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Young Girl Viciously Beaten In Greater Noida For Simply Roaming With Two Men; This Video Will Boil Your Blood

A blood curdling video of moral policing is in high circulation showing the dastardly attack on two men and a woman in Greater Noida. Shot from a mobile phone, the footage is said to have gone viral on January 30.   The accused are said to be local and claimed that they thrashed two men and the woman accompanying them for alleged “indecency”. In the video clip, the goons can be heard threatening their victims while hurling abuses at them. from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-IFTM-VART-young-girl-viciously-beaten-5802821-PHO.html?ref=rss

स्तनपान कराने से डायबिटीज ही नहीं इस बीमारी से भी होगा महिलाओं का बचाव

एक अध्ययन से पता चला है कि अपने शिशुओं को लंबे समय तक स्तनपान कराने वाली माताएं आगे चलकर उच्च रक्तचाप (हाइपरटेंशन) के खतरे से भी बच सकती हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Ford Reveals All-New Freestyle Cross With A 6.5-Inch Touchscreen Infotainment System; Images, Specs And Features

The new Ford Freestyle crosshatch has finally been unwrapped and revealed. The figo based crossover has a new bonnet, grille and headlights which will also be incorporated into the Figo and Aspire eventually.  The Freestyle will be launched around April this year. There is more ground clearance in the Freestyle than the regular Figo hatchback - 15mm more. A wider track and it also features things you would never see in another crosshatch, things lie roof rails, extra body cladding and bigger, wider wheels - 185/60 R15.   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-ford-reveals-freestyle-cross-5802779-PHO.html?ref=rss

5 Foodie Valentine's Day Gifts For Girlfriends and Boyfriends

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and we are loving the love in the air. The special day is celebrated in honour of Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in Rome in the 3rd Century.... from NDTV Food - Latest

5 Benefits of Starting Your Day With Lemon Water

A healthy kick-start to the day has a lot to do with the first sip or bite you take. According to health experts around the world, starting the day with a glass of lemon water can do wonders to your... from NDTV Food - Latest

विदेशी महिला से छेड़छाड़ करने वाला आरोपी गिरफ्तार, पीड़िता ने गोवा पुलिस को कहा-शुक्रिया

महिला पर्यटक ने सोमवार रात अपने फेसबुक अकाउंट पर गणतंत्र दिवस के दिन अपने साथ हुई घटना का जिक्र किया था। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Mother Kills Self And Two Daughters Because Of Poverty In Assam; This Is How One Girl Survived To Tell The Tragic Story

A woman in Assam has hanged herself after hanging her three daughters because she had no money. The woman lived in the Lumding village of the Hojai area of Assam and was in dire need of money. In the shockingly sad incident, the mother first hanged her three daughters from a tree and then committed suicide by hanging herself too. One of the girls, Jhuma, managed to untie the rope that her mother had tied around her neck and run away from the place. She also managed to call for help but by the time people reached the spot where her family was hanging from the tree, her mother and two sisters were already dead.  from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-poverty-kills-5802741-PHO.html?ref=rss

Medical Student Names Her Killer In This Chilling Video Shot Moments Before Her Death. She Also Revealed The Motive

Asma Rani, a third-year medical student was shot on Saturday in the afternoon near Islamabad. Before she succumbed to her injuries on Sunday,she managed to name her killer -  Mujahid Afridi. Asma’s family says that she was killed because she had refused to marry him. Earlier too, he had threatened her with dire consequences.   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-medical-student-footage-5802744-PHO.html?ref=rss

चंद्रग्रहण से पहले हिल गया उत्तर भारत, जानें बचाव के उपाय

भूगर्भीय हलचलों पर रोक लगाना संभव नहीं है। लेकिन कुछ ऐहतियात के जरिए हम भूंकप से होने वाले नुकसान को कम कर सकते हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Young Man’s Charred Body Discovered In A Kanpur Park By Shocked Morning Walkers; The Body Looked Almost Two Days Old.

A young man was found charred to death at a park in the D block Mahakaleshwar Park of Govind Nagar police station area. As per reports, the  body was first killed then burnt with the help of petrol.    As people went on for a morning walk on Wednesday the 31st, they saw the smoke in a corner of a park. As they went nearer they saw the corpse, as people usually do, they gathered around and called the police. Forensic team also reached on the spot and started the investigation. The body has now been sent for post-mortem.   People were shocked to see the scene and even though they ignored the smoke at first thinking it's just leaves, because the body was strategically covered up with dry leaves.  As per a witness of the crime scene, Uma Shankar Tiwari, "The body was completely burnt and all  the clothes were burnt, there was clearly a murder that took place".   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-man-murdered-in-up-5802735-PHO.html?re...

सुप्रीम कोर्ट और हाईकोर्ट के जजों का वेतन हुआ करीब दोगुना, जानिए अब कितनी मिलेगी सैलरी

राष्ट्रपति रामनाथ कोविंद ने बुधवार को जजों के वेतन वृद्धि के बिल को मंजूरी दी है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

संसद में व्यवधान से विपक्ष का नुकसान, विपक्ष कई मुद्दों पर सरकार को घेरने की तैयारी में: प्रणब

संसद के बजट सत्र में हंगामे के आसार दिखाई दे रहे हैं। विपक्ष कई मुद्दों पर सरकार को घेरने की तैयारी में हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

चिदंबरम ने 'एक राष्ट्र-एक चुनाव' को नया चुनावी जुमला बताया

संविधान किसी भी राज्य को शासन के लिए तय समयावधि नहीं देता। संविधान में परिवर्तन किए बिना यह संभव ही नहीं हो सकता। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

क्या योजनाएं सही लोगों तक पहुंचाने की भी चिंता न करे सरकार, आधार मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने उठाया सवाल

क्या सरकार का यह चिंता करना वाजिब नहीं है कि सामाजिक कल्याण की योजनाओं का लाभ सही व्यक्ति तक पहुंचे। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

चौदहवीं के चांद से ज्यादा चमकीला होगा आज का चांद, 150 सालों बाद दिखाई देगा ब्लड सुपरब्लू मून

आज चंद्रग्रहण है, जो भारत सहित दुनिया के कई देशों में देखा जा सकेगा। सबसे खासबात यह है कि चांद पृथ्वी के सबसे करीब होगा। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

भाजपा के असंतुष्ट नेता यशवंत सिन्हा ने बनाया केंद्र के खिलाफ 'राष्ट्र मंच', शत्रुघ्न भी हुए शामिल

भाजपा से कई महीनों की तल्खी के बाद असंतुष्ट नेता यशवंत सिन्हा ने मंगलवार को एक राजनीतिक मंच की शुरुआत की। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Ola to drive ‘Down Under’ in bid to rival Uber in Australia

Invites hire vehicle owners to register with company; focus on driver-partners from The Hindu - Economy

गुजराती महिला को इस्लाम कुबूल करवाने और आइएस को बेचने की कोशिश में नौ के खिलाफ केस दर्ज

बलपूर्वक इस्लाम कुबूल करवाने और उसे आइएस आतंकियों को बेचने की कोशिश में केरल और बेंगलुरु के नौ लोगों के खिलाफ मामला दर्ज किया है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

नमामि गंगे के खराब क्रियान्वयन को लेकर गंगा की सफाई के लिए विदेश से धन जुटाएगी सरकार

नमामि गंगे योजना के क्रियान्वयन में कैग रिपोर्ट में खामियां उजागर होने के बाद सरकार गंगा की सफाई के मुद्दे पर हरकत में आ गयी है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Euro zone growth at 10-year high in 2017, January sentiment dips

The euro zone economy expanded at its fastest rate in a decade in 2017, preliminary data showed on Tuesday, and sentiment remained high at the start of 2018 despite a slight dip from a 17-year peak, s... from The Hindu - Economy

No spending spree seen in last budget before polls: poll

India is expected to unveil only modest stimulus at this week’s budget, a Reuters poll of analysts showed, despite it being the last before the next election, with government spending likely limited ... from The Hindu - Economy

Skill development to get leg-up

Sops likely for firms engaging apprentices and states affected by Left extremism from The Hindu - Economy

India can be at risk of ‘later convergence stall’ in growth, says Economic Survey

Economic convergence is the process of developing economies catching up with developed economies. from The Hindu - Economy

भाजपा के असंतुष्ट नेता यशवंत सिन्हा ने बनाया केंद्र के खिलाफ 'राष्ट्र मंच', शत्रुघ्न भी हुए शामिल

भाजपा से कई महीनों की तल्खी के बाद असंतुष्ट नेता यशवंत सिन्हा ने एक राजनीतिक मंच की शुरुआत की। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

फ्लाइट छूटने के लिए यात्री खुद जिम्मेदार: एनसीडीआरसी

राष्ट्रीय उपभोक्ता कष्ट निवारण आयोग का कहना है कि यात्री को समय रहते हवाई अड्डे पर पहुंचना चाहिए था। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Bike Was Embedded Inside This Ford EcoSport In A Horror Crash That Killed 3 People Instantly; Bodies Were Extracted Using Crane

Three people were killed in a ghastly accident that ensued when an uncontrolled Ford EcoSport slammed into a motorcycle in Kanpur. The severity of the impact can gauged by the fact that the bike was embedded in the car after the collision.   The car flipped upside down post the crash with the bike stuck in its bodywork following which a crane had to be called to pulled out the bodies of the occupants. from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-VART-horror-kanpur-accident-5802275-PHO.html?ref=rss

त्रिपुरा में भाजपा पूरी ताकत के साथ चुनाव लड़ेगी, चुनावी समर का बिगुल पांच फरवरी को फूंकेंगी

माकपा के अभेद्य किले को फतह करने के लिए भाजपा ने पूरी ताकत झोंकने की तैयारी कर ली है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

पहली बार विदेश यात्रा पर छुट्टियां मनाने भेजे गए गैंगमैन-ट्रैकमैन जैसे 100 रेलकर्मी

रेलवे ने पहली बार बिना किसी आधिकारिक कार्य के गैंगमैन और ट्रैकमैन जैसे गैर-राजपत्रित कर्मचारियों को विदेश यात्रा पर भेजा है। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Birla’s Son Bought For Mere Rs 30 Lakh By Rajasthan Royals At IPL Auction; His Father Is India’s Billion-Dollar Man

When you're a heir to a business group that's worth $41billion, Rs 30 lakh doesn’t seem to matter much but Birla scion Aryaman seems grateful. The youngster was quoted as saying, it's a great feeling. I'm so grateful to them for this opportunity."   He added, “An experience I can't wait for. Looking forward to the season with RR.”   At a base price of just Rs 20 lakh, the 20-year-old went unsold in the first round of the auction.   from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-aryaman-birla-ipl-5802259-PHO.html?ref=rss

This Secret Ayurvedic Preparation Can Improve Digestion In Toddlers!

Chaata churan is a traditional preparation fed to infants in Punjabi and Sindhi households. It has numerous benefits from being an appetite stimulant to improving digestive healthy also boosting... from NDTV Food - Latest

सोशल मीडिया पर छा रही लोकल खबरें, बह रही बदलाव की बयार

इंटरनेट आया तो सोशल मीडिया भी छाया, अब दिन बदले तो सोशल मीडिया भी बदल रहा है। अब तक कई तरह के बदलाव सोशल मीडिया में देखने को मिले हैं। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

News Anchor Exposes These Two Men On Facebook After They Stalked Her. She Even Made A Distress Call To Police Which Was Ignored

Sunday night saw Damini Mahaur, an Agra-based news anchor, taking to Facebook to share her ordeal. On the night of January 25, at around 8PM, she was chased drunk youths on the streets of Agra. She was returning home in the evening after doing her last news bulletin of the day. The news anchor who works with one of one of the biggest cable TV networks in Uttar Pradesh, says that even after making numerous calls to UP women helpline 1090, she received no help. from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-news-anchor-molested-5802232-PHO.html?ref=rss

Know Your Pasta Sauces: The Ultimate Guide

If you happen to be a pasta lover but often get confused between the myriad varieties of sauces out there, then this article will come quite handy to you. from NDTV Food - Latest

मोदी सरकार ने चुनाव आयोग को अवमानना का अधिकार देना उचित नहीं माना: रावत

मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त ने कहा कि अवमानना की शक्ति निराधार, बेतुके आरोपों का मुकाबला करने के लिए मांगी गई थी। from Jagran Hindi News - news:national

Hero Xtreme 200R Finally Unveiled Ahead Of Auto Expo 2018; Its Prices Are Set To Be Announced In April

Bike enthusiasts now have something major to be excited about. Hero MotoCorp has finally unveiled the Hero Xtreme 200R naked street motorcycle in India. This bike had been announced at the Auto Expo 2016 and is finally ready to be launched on the streets. According to Hero MotoCorp, the bike has passed the 5major priority elements in terms of performance, namely engine, braking, ergonomics and handling, sound, and stability. Its sprint capacity is 0-62 kmph while its top speed is supposed to be 112 kmph.  from Daily Bhaskar http:///news/TOP-HDLN-xtreme-200s-5802222-PHO.html?ref=rss