New Delhi: Fugitive liquor baron Vijay Mallya, who is wanted in India for defaulting on loans worth Rs 9,000 crore, is all set to get married for the third time, according to various media reports. According to reports, Mallya, 62, will be getting married to a former Kingfisher Airlines air hostess Pinky Lalwani, who has been his partner for over three years. The two reportedly started dating when Mallya offered Lalwani a job in Kingfisher Airlines. The couple celebrated their anniversary of "togetherness" about a week ago, according to sources close to them. Lalwani has been seen alongside Mallya on his trips to London for hearings in a court where India is fighting for his extradition. Mallya was previously married to Sameera Tyabjee, a former Air India air hostess, in 1986-87. In 1993, he married Rekha Mallya. He has three children from his two marriages, Siddharth, Leanna and Tanya. He left India in March 2016, just ...